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  • Writer's pictureAryaan Silva

Building up an Environmental Organization

Updated: May 4, 2022


In the beginning of senior year a group of people adopted an environmental organization that other schools help build and they decided to expand to be across the entire international school community in Bangkok. it was already a pretty developed organization, however there was still a lot to do in terms of building up it's name and reputation in the Wells International School community.

There was a lot that went into it including educating ourselves on a variety of facts that involve mangroves and also the things that we needed to begin with when starting an organization in Wells.


There was a a lot of preparation involved in creating and establishing the organization, mainly because it had to be a proper club in order for us to do official and proper service work. there was some running around and emailing involved in order to make sure we had a supervising teacher that would assist bus with events and approval of things.

The group began with a couple of people and grew to add on a couple more. Due to COVID-19 we couldn't do many activities, however we worked on spreading information about the threats that Mangroves face. I was a part of the Social Media team and I did that for about a month, meanwhile there were more things going on behind the scenes. We needed to organize a brand ambassador and we decided to go with one of my peers. She did great leading it and it really was a team effort from start to finish.

Other schools participated in many activities, such as planting mangroves, and donating to foundations focused on mangroves. Overall the project went really well not only in spreading information about the importance of mangroves, but also a great opportunity for me to learn about teamwork and group cooperation.


There was a lot of organizing before we could officially start recruiting people, because we had to establish a proper club, and then after a couple people got the go ahead, we were clear to continue doing the work. The club was short lived because younger grades didn't know enough about the club, and we didn't get to do a showcase of all the clubs at the beginning of the year once again due to a 5th wave of COVID-19, so not many younger kids knew enough about the organization to join or pass the torch to, so it was somewhat short lived, but lasted a semester and a half.


To Reflect back on my experience I would say I did a pretty good job researching and developing specific posts that would actually help people learn about mangroves, and from great sources as well. I myself learned a lot of the benefits from mangroves and what they do to help the environment. I learned a lot about helping out and using the skills I already know and applying them to something useful and meaningful. it was somewhat fulfilling giving to a community, and even though it was a slight, small thing, I used my skills and turned it into something that many people could connect with and learn from.

Before this organization a lot of people didn't even know mangrove trees existed, and the fact that I got to communicate and work with different institutes as well as spread information was great and fulfilling to me as whole.


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