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  • Writer's pictureAryaan Silva

My First Children's Book Illustration Job (1)

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

In Grade 9 I had the amazing opportunity to work with author Pashmina P. and illustrating a children's book and collaborating with a charity organization that provides people, like me, with the opportunity to do the things they love.

My experience was amazing working with an author and officially illustrating a children's book. I worked on sketches every week and that's what most of 2018-2019 consisted of for me concerning the creativity portion of CAS. I sketched and storyboarded most of the book doing this time period, and it's a surprisingly long process. I had many sketched approved and disapproved, and that taught me that not all the work I put into something is going to be apparent in the end result, however the most important thing I learned was that I worked hard for the quality, rather than the quantity.

This is a bit of a step-by-step process of how the book cover was created, from the sketch, to the final draft, to the official mockup of the book. Getting to a conclusion on the book cover, alone, took a month and I worked very hard at it while also allowing me to begin to truly begin learning to manage my time in a healthy way.

'What is a Gupsey?' Pashmina P.

This is the artist's bid that I submitted and is exactly what I used to apply for the opportunity. Once I heard I got the bid I was excited and looking forward to all the other opportunities and doors this would open.

Seeing the mockup was what made me realize a lot of things and really set everything I did in stone. This whole sketching period taught me very important

lessons and gave me a reference for how hard I have to work in the real world, because this was not something tied to my school or institution, but something I got myself and a first project that required me to do something with my life. It was a wake up call and what allowed me to begin my development in becoming a better student and worker.

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