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  • Writer's pictureAryaan Silva

Creative Social Media Catalog

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

For our third year of CAS me and two of my friends collaborated on a social media account called @urscalpstinks, that would be a compilation of pictures that we took and found aesthetically pleasing. Those pictures are comprised of everyday things to pictures of ourselves and just things we wanted to post and maybe reminisce about in the future, while also doing something creative to capture moments and memories. That would not only allow us to be more creative when it comes photography, a mutual interest we three share, and more free in terms of posting photos, exploring being more liberal when it comes to social media.

The main reason we decided to do this was because we thought it would be a great creative outlet to express our creativity in a passive and non-intrusive, and perhaps less public way.

I learned a lot through this especially by slowly opening up to the world of social media, allowing myself to be more creatively free when it comes to my own personal social media profile. The collaboration served as practice for me to explore what I like visually and be comfortable with it, despite any judgment from the surrounding environment, which can tend to be harsh. I can be creative when I want to be however, that stopped when I began to care about what others thought of me. With this joint social media profile I was able to grow and settle in what I like, allowing me to be more comfortable in who I am and what I like. This was great for me because at the end of it I became more comfortable and less-anxiety ridden when it came to creative freedom.

Comparing this to my other creative opportunities, I was more free in terms of exploring who I was. The other creative opportunities definitely had a lot more restrictions and put me in the mindset of waiting for approval for my creativity. This collaboration helped me through that and showed me the true meaning of being able to separate a professional field and a personal field of creativity, and how important and crucial to future careers and life those two really are.

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