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  • Writer's pictureAryaan Silva

My First Children's Book Illustration Job (2)

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

Grade 10, or 2019-2020, was when I began and finished the final drawings for the book What is a Gupsey? The entire process was exciting and was when my artworks really began to come into fruition.

When the final drawings were established I was so proud of myself and I couldn't believe that I illustrated my very first book. Once they were but in the first official manuscript was also where I began to see how I can create and develop someone's idea and turn it into a physical manifestation of all the hard work and creativity put into it.

'What is a Gupsey?' Pashmina P.

Above are a few of my favorite frames from the book itself (minus the story) and I really like how they cam out, however reflecting back at them, I could've done way better with the knowledge I know now through having this experience. I could've definitely done better but I can't be mad knowing how greatly I've improved at not only technique, skill, and application, but also increased my knowledge about sizing, coloring, and page bleeding. All of these required experience, but if I didn't get it from somewhere, I wouldn't be where am now.

The whole experience was one I couldn't forget mainly because looking back at the whole two years I was working on the project I learned several things that I needed to learn in order to grow up. Over the two years I've grown into 5 different people and I'll probably continue to grow more as the years go on. I'm very grateful for the things I've learned in the two years and I'm looking forward to learning more.

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