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  • Writer's pictureAryaan Silva

Summer Workout Routine (3)

Updated: Apr 28, 2022

For grade 11, year 2020-2021, I decide to challenge myself and do 30 minutes of jumprope, which with my speed is about 110 jumps per minute, in intervals of 45 seconds on, and 15 seconds off. I did this on and off cycle 30 times, and decided to do it for 30 days. I ate well and began investing into my fitness journey by introducing protein shakes to my diet, utilizing a vegan protein powder with plenty of vitamins and nutrients.

I did the challenge as I went on I realized that my body was changing immensely. With the efficient calories burning exercise (jumprope), and a controlled diet, assuring I wouldn't put anything bad into my body for a while. I went through this while in quarantine, which I think was a great opportunity for myself to detox and really watch what I put into my body. This whole time I also picked up roller skating, which I will speak of in a separate article.

this entire year, excluding the 30 day jump rope challenge, I did another workout program from Chloe ting. the entire year I took the opportunity to lose a lot of weight and recompose my body because I felt that I need to take this step in order to feel more confident in myself and make myself healthier.

My progress was amazing to say the least, I lost about 10 more kilos after gaining two more, after my loss, that year I went from 79 kilos to 69 kilos, and I've never felt better. I think in a sense, CAS is a requirement however it really gave me the drive and motivation to start my fitness journey and continue it as well.

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