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  • Writer's pictureAryaan Silva

Learning How to Roller Skate

Updated: Apr 28, 2022

In grade 11, years 2020-2021, I decided to pick up roller skating as a skill, and I learned a lot in 3 months including how to roller skate backwards. I rarely fell however it did make me gain muscle. I gained around the gluten and thigh areas the most, however in general it was a fun pass time that would help me learn a new skill, as well as keep me busy during quarantine.

I would often roller skate around my house and teach myself how to turn, skate backwards, stop, and go. I thought it would be a great skill to have for personal reasons swell as other ones, cause you never know when roller skating will come in handy, and in general I think it was a great investment because it helped me pass time in a great way. I had fun while doing it and I think that's what was important.

In the end it I got great progress and was able to speed skate around my house. I would say my skating skills are mediocre but I did many drills, such as bubbles, skating backwards, and one leg drills.

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