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  • Writer's pictureAryaan Silva

Social Media Manager for an Environmental Organization

Updated: Apr 28, 2022

in 2021-2022, or senior year, I was one of the social media heads of a group calls mangrove teens, which was a group dedicated to protecting mangroves, adopted from another school. I helped in research and a couple social media posts that would raise awareness, not only to the group, but also to the growing threat of mangrove trees being cut down.

I learned many of the crucial elements that mangroves contribute to the environment and as such, I gained a lot of knowledge of mangroves. I learned how crucial they are to our environments, how they help with coastal erosion, how they prevent natural disasters, etc.

The plan was for each of us three to rotate, posting one thing per week. I decided since mangroves are so important that I would be the one to begin the education process and give people actual facts rather than just "raising awareness". I believed in the cause and it's affects on the environment and I think I took that step because I thought to put in the time and effort to do so, and that it was worth it. Not many people talk about mangroves and I think doing this was a great opportunity to spread the word about them.

I also learned a lot about media management and how posting consistently helps the algorithm, and that maybe one day I could work in media management. I think the number one thing that was most important to me while doing this was putting out accurate information and that included research. I took my time with each post, however made it on the deadlines, and put actual effort into the posts themselves.

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