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  • Writer's pictureAryaan Silva

Tutoring a Child on How to Roller Skate

I used the skills I learned in Roller Skating to teach a younger child (my cousin) how to roller skate, since she has asked me for quite some time, however I was needed to learn a bit more before I taught her. Roller skating came pretty quick to me and it was something that I got the hang of somewhat quickly. Within a week I began roller skating outside and was able to learn drills and tricks.

She was very excited to learn with me because I showed her what I could do and it really helped me become more of a patient person, seeing as I didn't do very well my first try either. By the end of the first class she was able to somewhat do a lap without tripping. I saw that as progress and by the sixth lesson, she was getting the hang of being on proper wheels. I started her off with wheels shoes, just to get her used to gliding and being comfortable giving a bit of control to the wheels.

After the third day she was ready to move onto proper skates, which her mom bought for her. I committed to doing 10 lessons with her and by the end of it I sent her off to learn on her own and now every once in a while I'll see her riding her roller skates.

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